Our mission:
We Provide You with the Concierge Service You Deserve
At Washington State Titling Services, we understand that the process of titling a vehicle can be complicated and time-consuming. That’s why we’re here to simplify it for you. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing you with a hassle-free and efficient car titling experience.
Whether you’re buying vehicles, transferring ownership, or registering vehicles, our titling service is designed to streamline the entire process. We have extensive knowledge of the WA DOL requirements and regulations associated with titling, ensuring that your paperwork is handled accurately and efficiently.
See a Need, Fill a Need
Washington State Titling Services began with a simple principle “See a need, fill a need.” After owning a used car lot and working as a Business Accounts Manager for a WADOL tag agency, I knew how desperate out-of-state businesses were for services that Olympia, or their contracted sub-agents, couldn’t provide. No one was offering clients what they needed.
That planted a seed, igniting a passion within me to reimagine the way business was conducted and provide the services that clients were begging for. WASTS stands as a testament to the invaluable input, feedback, and requests from customers like yourself, shaping and guiding our very purpose and driving us to continuously improve and exceed your expectations!
At Washington State Titling Services, we take pride in providing a reliable and efficient car titling service. We are committed to simplifying the process, saving you time and energy. Let us handle the paperwork while you enjoy the excitement of owning or selling your vehicle.
Contact us today to experience a seamless and hassle-free car titling process. We look forward to serving you!